Ashley Molitor

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Why the scale is NOT your friend...

I posted this on social media, but in the off chance that I have followers on my blog that aren't on my FB or IG, I wanted to share here for you too! 

Let's have some real talk ladies (and gentleman too)....

I have said it before and I will say it again, THE SCALE DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! Stop letting it get in your way on your journey. That number you see doesn't show the REAL progress! I BARELY get on the scale anymore, for me, the proof is in the pictures and that is all I need!

I used to tell myself I had to be 135 lbs to be "happy." But why? What is it about 135 that makes me happy? HAPPY IS A MINDSET NOT A FREAKING NUMBER ON A SCALE! (yes, I am yelling at you😂 ) I have been 135 before and I can tell you that I wasn't NEAR as healthy as I am now, I was barely working out, I wasn't eating like I do today or drinking the most nutrient dense shake around...and to me, being healthy is more important than some damn number.

So yeah, that pic on the left is when I started my journey back in March 2015 & the pic on the right is from just a few short weeks ago.

Wanna know something freaking crazy about them both...I am the SAME DAMN WEIGHT in them. Let me repeat that in case you didn't quite catch my drift, I am the SAME DAMN WEIGHT in both pictures. And trust me, it isn't anywhere near 135 lbs, folks.

And no, I am not even going to tell you what it is now because IT DOESN'T MATTER!

But do you know what I see when I look at the girl on the left?
-> Insecure
-> Lack of confidence, uncomfortable in her skin
-> Exhausted

And then there is the girl on the right....
-> More accepting of herself, flaws & all
-> More confident at 33 than ever
-> More energy
-> Stronger (just don't ask me to do diamond tuck jumps)

STOP letting a number on a scale determine how you feel about yourself. Are you stronger? Do you have more endurance? Is your energy level higher? How is your health? What about your happiness?

You get my drift?! You are more than a damn number.