A lifestyle change...not a diet.

So, it is January 5th, that means all the go getters are 5 days into their resolutions! Me? Nah, I am just over here continuing on my journey! No need for a fitness resolution when it is part of your daily lifestyle! And you know what? I WOULD NOT have said that to you that last year because that is when I made the resolution to make health and fitness a CONSTANT in my life, not just a "season" for like the 10th time. 

But this time, the crazy thing is that It worked. I said last year was the year I was going to take control of my health. No more yo-yo diets, no more shakes filled with ingredients I couldn't pronounce and I did it. Now let me backtrack a bit and say, I had already tried Shakeology for a couple of months and at one point decided I was going to go back to my "other" shakes. That lasted a whole week before I realized I couldn't stand the taste of everything artificial in them, not to mention they didn't make me feel good like Shakeology did so I quickly reordered my Shakeology and even signed up for a discount (which led me to coaching)! Anyways, I digress....

So it was last winter that I decided if I was serious, I was going to go all out and try 21 Day Fix, even though the thought of it scared the ever living shit out of me. I mean, I love pizza, chinese, chocolate and wine...and I liked eating as much as I wanted without limits! How would I survive?  

Well, I am still here, so it worked, right? 

That was the amazing thing about the 21 Day Fix, it didn't really limit me on what I could eat or drink for that matter (yes, wine included), it taught me how to eat a balanced diet in the proper portions to see results and even maintain when I was ready. Now I make amazing chinese food and pizza at home that I actually prefer over most restaurants or fast food unless it is a cheat day, then I splurge. 

So what is the 21 Day Fix? 

  • It is 21-day program that comes with simple portion control and a meal plan guide. If the food fits in the color coded portion control containers, you can eat it. 
  • 30-minute workouts that anyone can do (there is a modifier if you are new to fitness or find some moves challenging). 
  •  It provides simple and fast weight loss—no weighing food or counting calories, carbs, or points.
  • You could lose up to 15lb in 21 days! Amazing right? Now keep in mind, everyone is different, so results vary. 

Simple enough, right? Yes. I will tell you from experience though, week 1 is always the hardest but after that, it is smooth sailing! 

This has become my lifestyle. Actually not just mine, but my husband too. Even if we are not doing a strict round of 21 Day Fix, we still meal plan with our container brackets in mind.  It has become something I love to live by and it helps me stay on track.  I know that when I eat the right foods in the right portion, I feel better. I am not sluggish from crap food. I am not miserable from overeating.  It just becomes a feeling you crave.  Now don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of cheats, we are foodies! We love to eat! But we have realized that we don't NEED them as much as we treated ourselves in the past.  We have also realized that sometimes those foods we used to love just aren't as good anymore. And I am ok with that! 

Now I am not going to bash other products or programs because, to each their own, right? But I have tried many different things and none of them worked. None of them stayed with me like this has which is why I talk about it ALL the time! I love to pay it forward. 

Shakeology is the final piece of the puzzle. I have a whole page on Shakeology, so feel free to hop on over there to read more but I really believe in what it does for people and that it is truly a necessity, not only to help you reach your goals but it is great for you EVERY DAMN DAY!   

Since I started drinking it, it has reduce my cravings. For example, I used to drink soda DAILY. Now I haven't had one in over a year.  It gives me energy throughout my day and I sleep like a baby at night. Well, like a baby who actually sleeps and doesn't wake up. If I get a cold from the kiddos, the duration is MUCH shorter.  Not only does it provide you with the nutrients your body needs, it helps you lead a healthier life and a healthier life can lead to weight loss! 

I am a mom of two and it is a quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition in the morning when we are running around trying to get everyone ready and it gives me the energy I need to keep up with my toddler when she is home with me! 

Plus it is one less meal a day I have to worry about planning and cooking yet it provides me all of the nutrients I need and more! Also, if you don't like eating fruits and vegetables then this is a great way to get all the benefits without having to actually eat them.  Oh and did I tell you that it is proven to help lower cholesterol too! 

But I think the MAIN thing that is so important is it helps heal the gut. And ALL things start in the gut, so if the gut isn't in optimal shape then that can impact a lot of things, including the amount of nutrients you absorb, it can even impact your serotonin levels. Imagine if you are eating all these healthy foods but your body isn't even absorbing the nutrients because your gut is all out of whack...you would lack energy, maybe even be nutrient deficient and it would be a waste of all those good foods going into your body! 

A lot of benefits, right? It is like your multivitamin, probiotic and more combined into one drink that tastes like a milkshake...I am not kidding either. I look forward to bed at night because I know I get my milkshake the next morning! Who doesn't want to wake up and have a "treat" for breakfast! 

The pictures below are a few from my transformation. I have done both 21 Day Fix and most recently, 21 Day Fix Extreme (last set of pictures).  The extreme is more intense workouts and a stricter meal plan (no chocolate or wine).

Questions on 21 Day Fix and Shakeology? Head over to "Contact Me" under "About Me" and shoot me a message, I would love to chat and help you see if this is the program for you!