Almost 33...

Earlier this week I was cleaning pictures off my phone and I came across MANY before/after photos of my journey over the past year.

As I slowly (or not so slowly) creep up on 33, I can't help but feel thankful to be where I am today. A stay at home mom, coaching amazing people on their journey while working on my own health and fitness goals.

If you would have told me in college that I would be healthier at 33 than I have ever been in my life, I would have laughed at you.

I was your typical college kid, I drank, I smoked (yep, not proud of that one AT ALL), I partied a lot, I ate like crap every single day (not exaggerating), I didn't exercise unless walking to and from campus was considered exercise and I was so negative all the time, not to mention I had terrible OCD and anxiety that could have been controlled better with clean foods and exercise.

But I used to think that I couldn’t be the girl who worked out and took care of herself. I used to think that you had to be a certain type of person to do that, that you had to be athletic or born into a family of athletes. Or that some people were just lucky enough to be “fit” and stayed that way all of their life.

It was all about how I perceived myself. It was all about my mindset.

Once Mason was born, I knew I wanted to make a change in my life, but I never quite knew how to make it stick. I tried fad diets, trainers at the gym (who I loved but they weren’t on my ass everyday and clearly, I need that), heck, I even got really lucky one time and an old birth control I was on made me lose a ton of weight but was I healthy? No. (And for the record, that birth control was BAD…I was like the devil woman on it)

Although healthy isn’t about weight. Healthy is about how you fuel your body. It is about being active. It is about how you feel inside and out. It is a lifestyle. I truly didn’t realize that until completing the 21 Day Fix last year with the support of my coach. I became a coach myself because I realized that I am in charge of MY LIFE and coaching keeps me accountable. Coaching helps me stay on the right path and allows me to set the example for my kids I always wanted to set but never knew how….

So yes, it finally dawned on me last year at age 32, that this is a lifestyle I can live, this is a lifestyle I can share with others. I can enjoy the foods I love in the proper portions. I don’t have to feel deprived or hungry, I just have to eat the right things. I can workout from my home when it is convenient for me because life with two kids is busy. And I can get results working out from home and reach my goals, while helping others reach theirs. Even as a mom of two, I am capable. I finally realized that I am the type of person who can take care of herself and be healthy and fit, inside and out. It is never too late. I deserve it. My kids deserve it. You deserve it too!

That is why I post about coaching and these programs, that is why I invite you to my challenge groups or to join my team. Because I know what it has done for me. This whole experience over the past year took a girl who thought she didn’t have what it took to lead a healthier life or didn’t deserve to be happier and changed all of that. I workout regularly, I eat better than I have EVER have before and I sure as shit don’t feel like I am turning 33 next week! I read personal development to learn and grow plus it reminds me each day that I am capable of great things. I am more confident in my skin than I can ever remember being and I know without a doubt that Beachbody is the reason I am where I am today. It provided me the tools I needed to make the change in my life that was long overdue.

Message me if you want more info on becoming a coach or to join my next challenge group, we start April 18th and I am currently offering a gift to new customers in honor of my birthday! 

Change your mindset. Change your life. <3