The YEAR of Intention

What do you envision your year being like, using only one word?! I kept using intentional recently, then it clicked, I knew that it had to be my word for 2017.

I felt like I let 2016 fly by without me really being intentional about a lot in my life. Like, if I did something, I wasn’t 100% present or there. Know what I mean?!

Life takes on a whole new meaning when you really stop and think about if you were just going through the motions everyday or if you truly live each day with purpose? (Mind blown, right?!)


So this year I am going to be more intentional: 
-with MY TIME! I know, I know, that is broad, so let me break it down….
1. with my work schedule, I am setting hours & sticking to them…so don’t be offended when you don’t hear from me right away. ;) 
2. with my time with the kids, I will not spend my time scrolling social media on my phone even if it is movie night, I will focus on the kids and the movie. ( I mean, they are so cute, how can you not want to spend time with them...unless they are throwing fits, ask me then. ;)) 
3. with my time with Aaron, putting the phone down MORE when we go out for dates, etc. I mean, we all know I will need to have it out to snap pics of my food.

I am going to be more intentional as a parent and focus on learning to respond versus reacting. So yes, that means I have to stop yelling like an asshole at my kids and try to tone it down a bit…

I am going to be more intentional when it comes to listening to others, not letting my mind wander to the load of crap on my to do list, wait, did someone say to do list…JUST KIDDING, I will be in the moment.

I am going to be intentional with the food I put in my body. I will be more present in my workouts, not thinking about the day ahead, instead I am going focus on busting my ass in that moment.

I am going to be more intentional with my business, this opportunity, both the customer and coaching side are too eff’n amazing for me not to continue to pay it forward at full speed. I know what it has done for me, why should I keep that to myself?

I am going to be intentional about my growth as a mom, wife, coach, leader and friend.

I am going to be intentional about who I surround myself with and not get caught up in the negativity or gossip that can bring me down. Who has time for that?! Instead I will find strong mama’s who lift each other up, who have big dreams, like me and we will be personal cheerleaders for each other to live with intention. (Who is in?!?)

I am going to remind myself each morning when I wake up to live with intention. I know that my thoughts, actions and feelings impact every little thing I do each day so it is up to me to to show up with a kick ass mindset and fill each day with purpose.

Do you have a word for 2017? If so, share them in the comments!