70 Days Stronger with #MBF

70 days stronger. 💪🏼

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3 full rounds between these pics.
21 days of #MBF + 7 days from week 1 of #MBF while I impatiently waited for the advanced program to drop.
21 days of #MBFA.
And another 21 days of #MBF + some bonus workouts that you can add on for an extra challenge.
And now I’m doing a mix of both!💪🏼

SHORT Backstory: The old me thought it was TORTURE to workout. I dreaded it. I would workout because I thought it would make me skinny. I would workout to punish myself for the shitty food I ate. And when the shitty food I ate + workouts were not getting me the results I wanted, I would give up.

(That is because we don’t workout to lose weight, y’all. Stop telling yourself right now that you need to workout to lose weight. No you don’t, that change comes from what the hell you are doing in the kitchen.)

Basically, the old me worked out because I hated my body. And I would ALWAYS quit.🙅🏼‍♀️

Now I work out because I 💙 my body. And that keeps me going. I workout to gain strength, mentally & physically. I workout for my overall health. I do it to relieve/reduce stress & anxiety. I workout because we APPRECIATE my body & want to treat it better. I do it because I physically can & I am freaking grateful.

I think each workout program we release, that I do, I gain more confidence in myself & my ability to do things I would have once thought were IMPOSSIBLE. And out of all of the programs I have done, something about this one brought the most “I’M POSSIBLE” mindset shift.

It was so MANY 1st for me.
✨Jump Rope Circuits (cordless jump ropes)
✨Asymmetrical + Symmetrical training. The asymmetrical training totally puts an emphasize on the core & had me engaging muscles I was not used to focusing on…

Plus, the progression in the program allows you to build up your strength so you can take it up a notch each wk. It feels damn good to look back & see what you have done in each 21 day round.

Workout because you want to fall in 💙 with" taking care of your body & you wanna see all the shit it CAN do.

I’m taking 21 peeps for my October 19th group & registration is in full swing!
Fill out the form below for more information!