Because of #MBF....

I mooned my dad in the ocean on vacation.

When I was rushing around packing for a VERY last minute invite to a house my parents were renting in Florida, I had concerns that my bikini might fit me different from my actual (planned) family vacation 3 weeks before. But anytime a wave hit, I had to hold on to my bottoms. Eek!!

I mean, your bikini bottoms being too big is not a terrible problem to have...

It is 3 weeks between these pictures.

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The week we got home from FL in July, I committed to #MBF with my online group that I run & the day I finished it, I left (again, on a whim) to stay with my parents.

I feel damn good, too!
But this is a “new” different kind of good.

And it is not about the scale.
That changed 1 pound between these 2 pics.
If I relied on that alone on this journey, I would be screwed.

It is a new found confidence because I am…
✨lifting heavier
✨gaining core strength
✨challenging myself on a whole new level
✨losing body fat that would NOT budge before
✨seeing changes in my body that are new to me…

All w/ my workouts at home that were 35 min & under.
And of course, superfoods daily + tightening the leash on my nutrition without depriving myself of LIFE.
Ya know, dinner out, drinks, dessert. Balance.

Here is the thing - 35 minutes is DOABLE.
Especially w/ life being ALL over for many of us right now.

We are all just busy moms/dads trying to work, “teach” our kids & keep our heads above water…

We are all in this together.

In order to show up as the parent I need to be for my kids right now, I can’t lose focus on ME FIRST.
Yep. You read that right. It is ok & actually a must to make time for yourself.
To workout.
To make SIMPLE healthy meals.
To pick up a good book or listen to a podcast to get yo’ mind right.

If you are running on E, mama, you MUST fill your own tank back up so you can keep driving the crazy train we are on!

In my group, we focus on ALL of that while keeping you accountable to your goals.

I am enrolling NOW for my 9/7 virtual group! I will be doing another round of #MBF W/ YOU.
Message me STAT if you are interested! I don’t do this often but I am actually going to offer a special gift to the first 5 people to sign up for allowing me to be your coach on this journey. 💕

(See below for more info on #MBF OR fill out this form so we can chat about you, your goals and the requirements for the group!)

Now you may be asking…what is #MBF?

It is quite possibly one of the best workout programs I have done yet. Click this link to watch a video and learn more. You can even try the sample workout before committing!

PS -If you want to see a story other than mine, Nicole is absolutely amazing! Watch here.