Stop "SHOULDING" All Over Yourself!


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I know that may shock some of you to hear that out of me but…

We had an amazing convo in my group yesterday about self limiting beliefs.

One of the girls said she has a self limiting belief that she “is not a morning person.” But once we got to the root of it - she did not want to be a morning person. She loves her evening workout because it energizes her after work to get shit done around the house + it relieves some of her stress from her day BUT she was telling herself she should be…that maybe it is was better to be a morning person & she was missing something. So I told her instead of thinking “I am not a morning person” & making that mean there is something wrong with her - just own it & say “I don’t WANT to be a morning person.” See how different that sounds & feels?!

This is where we (all humans) get stuck - telling ourselves we SHOULD be doing nothing. I refer to it as “shoulding” on yourself instead of being real about what you want. It is so easy to do that, especially when we see other people doing things - gotta that social media peer pressure - & then we start arguing with our own reality because we think we aren’t doing it right! Or that we aren’t good enough because we aren’t doing it like someone else.

Well girlfriend I am here to tell you, that is bullshit. There is no one size fits all for your daily routine or schedule. You have to do what works for you!

If you want to sleep in because you find you’re more energized & productive at night - ! If you want to get up early because that is the best time for you to sneak in a workout & get some quiet time - GO YOU! If you LOVE working out on your lunch break because it gets you over that mid day - GET IT, GIRL!

I wake up in the morning because I WANT to...when I do it out of WANT - it feels ways better than telling myself I SHOULD or HAVE to.

Stop “shoulding” on yourself! Ask yourself what YOU really want & if you like your reasons behind it-own it & rock your routine!

PS - this can apply to A LOT more than just your routine/schedule.