Social Media VS Reality

Same girl, different angle.


  • Definition.

  • Visible thigh gap.

  • Leaner looking legs.

  • No armpit bulge.

Not posed:

  • Relaxed squishy belly.

  • No thigh gap.

  • Thicker thighs.

  • Bra bulge.

Both are fine but one isn’t the reality of how we look in a relaxed everyday state.

Most of the time what you’re seeing on social media is THE best pic. Maybe even posed, filtered AND digitally altered.

The problem is that seeing “perfect” pictures all of the time on your feed can actually have a lot of power over your own body satisfication, IF you let it.

Between social constructs & social media images it’s easy to get caught up in how you WISH you looked or think you SHOULD look.

But the reality is, your body changes daily. It can take on different shapes depending on how you’re sitting, standing or even based on what you eat.

No one is perfect. It’s normal for us to have dimples & rolls. You’ll have shitty lighting sometimes & angles that you prefer. All of that is ok!

I’m not saying post the pics you don’t love, I’m saying you don’t have to beat yourself up over them. And you certainly don’t need to modify your pictures.

You’re still you - just in a different position. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful or worthy.

So here’s my reminder to the women in my life:

Your body is beautiful if you have a body. That’s it. Congrats. You’re beautiful. You win.