Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself!

Who sang that? Just me? Cool…

I thought I would give a little update on me as a coach & what working with me is all about!

I’m an Empowerment Coach who helps women kick 'shitty self-talk' to the curb and say BUH-BYE to society's standards.

I enable my clients to make choices that light themselves up and achieve the body they want on their own terms.

What that means is, we get you where you want to be but without being a total asshole to yourself AND we make sure you have some fun along the way!

No more:
-Waking up, looking in the mirror & giving power to all of the shitty self talk swirling in your brain, around your body.
-Thinking your body needs to be a certain size or shape because of what you see on social media.
-Yo-yo dieting or restricting then going hog wild on some ice cream because you “couldn’t eat it” for 21 days (been there, done that). And then proceeding to think you are a broken or a failure.
-Hanging onto rules you learned from past diets that no longer serve you.
(i.e. color coded containers, point systems, ya know what I mean..)
-Hiding behind other people in pictures.
-Being scared to be seen in a swimsuit in public.
-Comparing your body to others.
-Needing to overwork at the gym to “make up for what you ate.”
-Telling yourself that “there’s no hope - so why bother.”
-Constantly thinking about food (at least not in a way that makes you anxious).
-Needing to “start over.”

Say hello to a world where you:
-Live more freely without fear of weight gain.
-Do shit for YOU without the guilt.
-Worry less about what others think of you / your body.
-Have better relationships (yes, with yourself AND others).
-Decide what feels good to you & roll with it! (TRUST yourself!)
-Have more confidence. Ya know, stand a little taller. Turn heads when you walk in a room. AND rock ANY swimsuit.
-Believe in your ability to reach your goals & get shit done!
-Embrace YOUR ideal body.
-Feel lighter & happier!

We get super clear on your WHY & from there we decide what it is that YOU want. And then you create the results YOU want based on YOUR terms.

Example 1:
You want to work with a nutritionist (not me, I’m not the nutrionist) to clean up your eating habits but maybe you have a lot of thoughts about how it won’t work, you’ve failed before, etc - that’s where I come in as your coach & we clean that shit up! (Shit = Thoughts)

Example 2:
You actually like where you’re at right now but sometimes you get super judgemental of yourself, compare yourself to others, don’t feel confident when you walk into a room so you want to lower the volume on the shitty self talk & raise the volume on thoughts that leave you feeling confident & empowered. I got you.

Example 3:
You know you need to change, but aren’t sure where to start OR you’ve tried it all but keep ending up back in the same place. We can work together to tackle BS that is holding you back them back from reacing your goals without the pressure to be perfect.

These are just THREE examples - but there are so MANY other reasons we could and should work together. If you are unsure if we’re a fit - click here to set up a free consult.

PS - I hang out mostly over on IG, you can find me there for more.
