Prioritize YOURSELF!

Ladies, what if you took care of YOURSELF like you took care of everyone else around you?! 

What if being “selfish” wasn’t what you THOUGHT it was…what if you had your own definition? 

What if instead of viewing it as lacking consideration for others (dictionary definition), you viewed it as acting on your own behalf!?

On a coaching call the other day a woman was struggling because she felt that taking time to take care of herself was selfish & meant she was neglecting her family - the coach hosting this live call replied with, “If I’m not for myself, who am I supposed to be for...YES, I’m my favorite person to support, I LIVE IN THIS, I have to be.”

BOOM. YES! You are your longest freaking commitment, it is not selfish, it is a MUST.

What if you stopped feeling guilty for it & decided it was not optional. 

Doing what is in YOUR best interest does not make you a shitty mom, wife, employee, etc. It makes you someone who understands the value you can offer the world & those around you when you are showing up as your best self…

You can be #MOMOFTHEYEAR & still MAKE time for you.
In fact, you can’t give what you don’t have so you may even be even more awesome when you are making time for you. 

I felt you all roll your eyes just now, too. “She is soooo funny, I REALLY DON’T HAVE time to make myself a priority.” 

You want to tell me ALL THE REASONS you don’t have any other option but I promise you that if we were to sit down & do a coaching session on this EXACT topic, you DO have a choice & you DO have the time. 

  • Start saying NO more often to things that don’t align with YOUR top priorities right now. 

    • Also, make sure you know what your priorities are….

    • So many women are afraid to say no, we take on project after project, volunteer for shit we don’t even want to do & then RESENT doing it all - WHY?! Just SAY NO. 


    • 20 minutes reading a book.

    • Take a bath (I am so not a bath person, I prefer not to sit in my own dirty water, anyone else?!).

    • Go for a walk. A run.

    • Do a 30 minute workout.

    • Dinner w/ a friend…

    • A solo Target trip.

    • Whatever floats your boat…do more of that. 

  • Put time for YOU on the calendar.

    • Schedule your workouts. 

    • Schedule meal planning & meal prep.
      (Secret: Meal prep actually FREES up more time during your week.)


  • It is ok to shift your expectations of yourself & put some “to do” list items on the back burner while you focus on certain areas of life that may take priority in the moment.

Still rolling your eyes at me…

  • Journal your ENTIRE week. EVERY minute of the day. How long do you spend doing tasks? For yourself? For others? Shit you don’t even WANT to do but think you SHOULD. Scrolling social media. Binge watching your shows. Cooking. Going out to eat. Legit, all of it.

    Then go back & ask yourself, did everything I do align with my top priorities? Where can I manage my time better? What can I stop doing that I really don’t give a damn about so I can do more for ME?! 


    It is also WAY easier to FIND time when we realize all the ways it will positively impact our lives!

    You are so caught up in the “I don’t have time” saga that you fail to see all the amazing benefits that would come from actually taking time for yourself.

    What is the benefit, for you, when you work out 5-6x a week? The perks of taking a time out to read? How will you feel after dinner w/ your bestie? What is the positive impact on your week when you time the time to meal plan & prep? Can you imagine what kind of impact doing something for you would have on your day? Your week? Those around you? 

You deserve to be a priority in your own life.

In what areas of your life do you put others needs above your own? Do you constantly put yourself at the bottom of your to do list? Hell, maybe you just erase yourself all together?!

What is one thing you can do now to start making sure you are a priority in your own life?