Unicorns & Rainbows...


Every single thing we DO or DON’T DO in our life is because of how we think it will make us feel. (Read that again.)

We want to dodge the negative emotions.

And we want to feel ALL of the positive emotions.

We are so used to thinking that life should be unicorns & rainbows so when negative emotions do pop up - many of us don’t want to allow it - so we push it away & try to pretend it doesn’t exist, we react to it (like losing our shit when we are angry) or we avoid it with food, booze, scrolling social media…

Basically, we find any way to feel better so we don’t have to feel like shit.

Lemme give you a PERFECT example.

How many times have you ended your work day & thought to yourself, “damn, that was a craptastic day, I deserve a drink.”

Welcome to being a human. You had a HUMAN day. Some days will be craptastic. And that is ok.


I know you are like, “what did that bitch just say?!”

And I said what I said.

If you didn’t feel like shit sometimes, you wouldn’t know what it was like to feel fucking amazing.

If you didn’t experience sadness, you would never know true happiness.

If there wasn’t hate…you wouldn’t know love.

If life was only unicorns & rainbows you wouldn’t even know what unicorns & rainbows are…there would be ZERO contrast.

It is fine to feel not so fine sometimes.

And if you allow the sadness, anger or fear or any other feeling you would normally push away to be there, eventually everything WILL be fine.

When you don’t try to stuff them in a teeny tiny closet, most feelings pass in 90 seconds. But when you freak the f out about it - that is going to make it worse & soon enough the closet door will bust open & ALL the shit will come pouring out. It’ll be a shit show. See what I did there...

What you resist will only persist.

What you allow, embrace & move towards will dissipate.