

Can I tell you something?

….I’ gonna tell you anyway.

You are 100% lovable. How do I know? Your lovability is based on someone else’s ability to LOVE, not on you. There isn’t a damn thing you can do to be more lovable that you already are, in this moment.

Think about it - say your best friend loves the shit out of you, obvi, you are besties, but her husband doesn’t love you. That has ZERO to do with you being lovable & everything to do with their capacity to love you. His lack of love for you is not a reflection of you. You are 100% lovable.

If you aren’t feeling the love for yourself…that is a choice you are making. It is NOT because you aren’t lovable. It is based on YOUR capacity & willingness to love yourself without any strings attached.

And how you treat yourself is a mirror image of how you think about yourself.

But here’s the kick in the nuts, our brains LOVE LOVE LOVE to find all the dirt on us & judge like it is their job…I mean, it is sorta conditioned that way, so I guess you could say it is like your brain is currently the VP of the “You Aren’t Enough” Department.

BUT here is the amazing thing….you get to step in & train your brain for a new position, The CEO of the “Loving Yourself On Purpose” Department. It is a hands on role & requires daily attention, some days more than others, but I hear the benefits of being the CEO of this particular department are...well, mind-blowing.

First place to start….
What are the mean things your brain tries to tell you about yourself? You will think they are FACTS. These are things you have probably thought for SO long that you BELIEVE them with every bone in your body but now is your chance to question that….
What are some ways those thoughts are NOT true? Your brain will WANT to find evidence for how it IS true but challenge it, with love. Get curious.

And you might just slowly start to recognize that there is more to you to love than you were able to acknowledge before.