Mindset + Your Body

  • Body Shaming

  • Guilt

  • Happiness (or lack thereof)

A few things the girl on the left thought losing weight & being smaller would fix…


Truth: All of those things will come w/ you, even when you lose the weight, even when you are at your ideal body size, IF YOU DO NOT GET YO’ MIND RIGHT.

But the problem isn’t those, it’s:

  • Our THOUGHTS about our body.

  • Our relationship w/ food.

  • Thinking that happiness comes from an external circumstance.

Once you realize you CAN work on ALL of that, especially the thoughts - you know the ones that creep in from your inner mean girl, you can tell her to zip it - you can take your power back.

(PS - I totally see Dr Evil here.)

Being happy now requires you change your thoughts FIRST - THEN your actions will shift.

When we talk to ourselves like shit, we treat ourselves like shit.

And this is one of the BIGGEST reasons I shifted my business focus.

In my years as a coach, I’ve watched women take action FIRST. They follow a workout program + a nutrition plan but never stop to work on the way they talk to themselves & view food.

And they get the results, temporarily.

They beat themselves up over a “BAD” meal.

They look for quick fixes if they can’t seem to keep results.

They shame their bodies.

Y’all - I can’t emphasize this enough, that IS where the work is!

I want women to see that:

  • You can’t permanently change your results without changing your thoughts.

  • There is no rush. There is not better than here.

  • You are perfectly worthy just as you are. Nothing. Not even a pant size can change that.

  • There is no more giving up or quitting. There is only showing up & enjoying your damn life.

If you’re curious about how you can learn to quiet your inner mean girl, head to "the WORK WITH ME” page to sign up for a FREE 1:1 chat.

I’ll show you how Life Coaching can help you tell that bitch to sit down & shut up - she can ride with you to the party but she is sitting in the back she is no longer allowed to tell you how to drive.