1 Month in Cali

It has been month.

1 month since we got on a plane & said peace out STL, hello California.



Not a day goes by that I don’t think about going home.

I literally have dreams about our house in STL.

Or about the new family in “my home.”

For real, I had a dream that they were doing a Lego themed bathroom designed by my previous employer & that they put an enclosed patio on the side of the house.

I have waves of thoughts that my brain LOVES to offer me….

“When is this over, I am done with vacation now.”

“WTF was I thinking?!”

“I am sick of being with my family.”

“People say this is good for your marriage…HOW?!”

“I wonder what would happen if I just got in my car & drove home.”

And then I have these weird moments that feel REAL AF & I picture us pulling into our home in St. Louis like nothing changed. Literally, as I was packing us up from the hotel at Disneyland, I had a moment where I forgot that the home I am going to is not the one I was envisioning.

THIS is my home right now.

But I am still grieving all that I left behind & had thought “would be.”

And that is ok.

These thoughts come & go. And I am aware that it is my brain wanting to go back to what is safe & normal. It is my brain finding every reason to want to protect me from this “danger” of this change.

A BIG move comes with BIG feelings.

And we are in the thick of it.

And I don’t know how long it will last but I know that living in one place for the majority of my life was a LONG damn time - just like we don’t gain weight overnight or lose it overnight - this will also take time.

In in my personal coaching sessions, I am working on not telling myself that I SHOULD be back to my work routine or I SHOULD to be showing up differently or my days SHOULD look like they were BEFORE.

Our life is not like it was before. It is different.

I am learning to give myself grace & compassion for where I am in this moment.

I am slowly allowing myself to be ok with not being in my normal energy at THIS exact stage in life.

Instead of arguing with myself telling myself I SHOULD be somewhere else right now - I am trying to find compassion for the woman who launched a new business in April, then moved across the country in June & put her business on hold while she is figuring out her new norm.

It is hard. I am not perfect. Some days I am harder on myself than others but I am starting to notice it more & find the grace & compassion before SHOULDING all over myself.

I am accepting that it is ok to fall apart sometimes. Tacos fall apart & we still love them. Right?!