Bitchface (I'm gonna trademark that one)...


That is my new name for my INNER CRITIC. We all have one. The voice in your head that loves to feed you bullshit & negative opinions.


Look, we can’t get rid of bitchface completely (I am going to assume that those of you who are my people will now lovingly refer to your inner critic as bitchface from here on out) - but we CAN learn how to manage it.

When my amazing photographer sent me this pic, bitchface came out in FULL force.

This has NOTHING to do with my photographer or her mad skills behind the lens but everything to do with the lens through which I was choosing to think of myself in this particular shot.

The thoughts that ran through my mind were not so nice…

“Could you be any less natural in front of the camera.”

“Your hair is a mess.”

“Why can’t you look like the other badass biz woman you see in pics?!”

Think about it, our brains are NOT used to looking at pictures of ourselves & finding all the ways we look amazing. That’s NOT natural. In fact, it feels way easier hate on ourselves.

So what do you do when bitchface comes at you with her “evil” vibes?!

  1. Awareness. Get curious. What does your inner critic say most often? Is this thought based on a fact or just bs? Where did thought this come from?

  2. Acknowledge. No more trying to push it down & ignore it. How is bitchface trying to protect you by feeding you with these thoughts?

For me: deep down, she didn’t want OTHER people to SEE what I was thinking about myself. She was trying to protect me from potential shame or embarrassment.

3. “I hear you, thanks for your OPINION but no thanks.”

For me it was: “I hear you bitchface but I am not believing any of that nonsense about me today. Today I choose to believe that my smile looks amazing, my eyelashes are on point & I rocked my first ever solo photoshoot as an entrepreneur.”

4. Compassion! How else can you view yourself or whatever your brain is feeding you from a more compassionate perspective?

5. Take action from your higher self - the one who really knows what’s up & wants what is best for you.

This isn’t a fool proof practice. Even someone who DOES the work will still have thoughts that creep in…that does not mean anything is wrong with you. You are NOT broken. You do NOT need to be fixed. It means you are human. Remember, just because you have a thought, DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE!