You didn't fail - diets don't work.


  • Do a diet.

  • Follow it (almost) perfectly.

  • Stop said diet program for whatever reason only to do 1 of 2 things…

  • Go into maintenance (which is a “break” from your diet).

  • OR end up binging because of previous restrictions.

  • Start to gain the weight back.

  • Get hard on yourself because clearly “something is wrong with you” since you can’t seem to keep the weight off.

What you aren’t realizing is that

  • Your 1200 calorie body size is NOT the same as your body size that will naturally fall into place if you’re listening to your gut (no pun intended) when it comes to eating.

  • Everytime you restrict, you’ll likely binge after because your brain thinks it needs to eat ALL the food it may not get again.

  • If you were to cut the bullshit & look into what is going on when you overeat, emotionally eat or mindlessly eat - that you’d be more likely to find your bodies natural weight without diets & food restrictions.

  • You are constantly searching outside of yourself for someone to tell you how to eat instead of being your own guide on what you need.

  • When you dig into future you & what feels best for her - you’d be able to ditch diet culture & do what feels good for you + your body without the pressure.

The good news…you’re not broken.

You’re not a failure if you regained weight after a diet.

You’re not a failure if you overate over the weekend.

You’re not a failure. PERIOD.

The diet industry has failed you by leaving out a cruical piece.
(Side note: the diet industry was also intentionally made to keep you coming back.)

If your program isn’t addressing your eating habits & the WHY behind them - if your programs rule of thumb when you “go off track” is to just get back on track (duh, why didn’t I think of that…) without addressing wtf is going on - then it’s missing what you need most.

If you’re anything like I was, you’re spending countless hours trying to figure out why the f*ck you just can’t seem to lose the weight AND keep it off.

It’s time to change that - take back your life, stop obsessing over how to lose the weight & what you can or can’t eat & dive into what feels right for you that is sustainable.

Contact me for a free consult to see how 1:1 coaching can help you break the cycle.